Saturday, December 28, 2019

Ethical Report A Certified Nurse Assistant That Is...

A 1. The leader chosen for this ethical report is a Certified Nurse Assistant that was promoted to a team leader. The team lead of a residential care facility has demonstrated the ability to distinguish when a fellow employee is performing duties according to policies and to reward for positive behavior. One of the team leaders, ethical traits is to lead by example, she sets up the structure in the organization that applies to neatness and tidiness and expects other team mates to do the same. She tries to follow the policies of the organization and promotes the importance of doing the right thing. This team leader has learned the importance of leading by example, due to if she doesn’t follow protocol the negative consequences will be detrimental to patient care. This team leader has developed policies that have been implemented regarding safety of the resident. The second ethical trait that this leader portrayed is the developing values for her and others. This leader believes in taking the company’s values and instilling it in her own daily life. She assures that the other staff members are aware of the company’s values and the mission. The golden rule treat others as you want to be treated is the model of this individual. Unruly behavior is not tolerated by this team leader. Whenever the team leader discovers that values are not being followed in the work environment, she will counsel the individual, by given a verbal warning. If the behavior continues the team leaderShow MoreRelatedGovernment Of Health Systems : Liberia And Sierra Leone8463 Words   |  34 Pagescare, as community members were confused about which vaccines and treatments were routine rather than experimental. , Attempting to halt the epidemic by developing and testing treatments through randomized control trials has caused practical and ethical dilemmas. , Mental health outcomes were poor , and are likely to remain so, with the compound effect of conflict and Ebola. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Descartes Meditations Ontological Argument Essay

Descartes Meditations Ontological Argument Descartess fifth Meditation argument for Gods existence relies on an untenable notion that existence is a perfection and that it can be predicated of God. I shall first explain what Descartess argument for Gods existence is, and then present his argument in propositional form. I will then attempt to support the argument that existence is neither a perfection nor a predicate of God. In our thoughts we apprehend ideas of things. These ideas may reside entirely within our thoughts or they may exist independent of our considerations of them (Descartes 143). Descartes argues that the idea of God is that He is infinite substance [eternal, immutable], independent, all-knowing,†¦show more content†¦Existence, therefore, should more properly be thought of as a prerequisite for perfection and not a perfection in and of itself. Descartes disagrees however, and in his reply to Gassendi he argues that existence is necessarily predicated of God because existence is a part of the true essence of any perfect being (Plantinga 49). For Descartes, it is not possible for us to possess the idea of a most perfect being if this being lacks the most important characteristic of existence. If God did not exist then He would not be the most perfect being, but we clearly have the idea of the most perfect being so therefore He must exist. The problem with this notion, however, is that Descartes begs the question by building into premise (2) the concept of a perfect being which has yet to be demonstrated. In order to demonstrate Gods existence, Descartes should not assume, or presuppose, that which he is attempting to conclude. But by predicating the existence of God in (2) he has already concluded that which is later restated in the conclusion. In effect, the follower of Descartess argument is tricked, for if he or she agrees with the foundational premises for the sake of the argument (that existence is predicated of a most perfect being), then there is no choice left but to conclude that God exists. Further, predicating the existence of a most-perfect being based upon the attributes that this being is believed to possess fails to provide existence toShow MoreRelatedDescartes Meditations On First Philosophy1712 Words   |  7 PagesDescartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy (1641) contains six Meditations. In the first two of these Descartes addresses doubt and certainty. By the end of the second Meditation Descartes establishes the possibility of certainty by concluding that he is a â€Å"thinking thing† and that this is beyond doubt. Having established the possibility of certainty, Descartes attempts to prove the existence of God. The argument he presents in the Third Meditation for the existence of God has been nicknamed theRead MoreDescartes Fourth Meditation On The Existence Of God1382 Words   |  6 PagesIn Descartes’ Fifth Meditation, he delivers an argument that has come to be known as the Ontological Argument. It is here that Descartes argues fo r the existence of God, through a priori reasoning. In order to understand both the strengths and weakness of this argument, I will first break it down into its main premises. From here, I will argue that despite the simplicity and use of reasoning in the argument, the weaknesses outweigh the strengths, and ultimately that the argument fails. To allow forRead MoreThe Ontological Argument For The Existence Of God1509 Words   |  7 Pages Descartes’ ontological argument is an echo of the original ontological argument for the existence of God as proposed by St. Anselm in the 11th century. To illustrate the background of the ontological argument, Anselm’s argument works within a distinct framework of ontology that posits the existence of God as necessity by virtue of its definition. In other words, for the mind to conceive of an infinite, perfect God, ultimately implies that there must indeed be a perfect God that embodies existenceRead MoreDescartes Ontological Argument For The Existence Of God1302 Words   |  6 PagesShields Word Count: 10/30/2014 Descartes’ Ontological Argument for the Existence of God The Ontological Argument for the existence of God is an a priori argument that aims to demonstrate that God’s real-world existence follows necessarily from the concept of God. In Meditation V of Discourse on Methods and Meditations on First Philosophy, Descartes presents his version of the Ontological Argument for the existence of God. In this essay, I will argue that this argument fails because necessary existenceRead MoreEssay about Ontological Argument Critique 857 Words   |  4 Pagesphilosophical argument that has mystified philosophers since the age of the ‘Enlightenment.’ Many of the different arguments put forth and analysed though, have not adequately proven God’s existence. Although in order to move forward, failed arguments must be studied to ensure that mistakes are not repeated. One such argument is the Ontological Argument. This argument was first recorded by St. Anslem (1033-1109). Descartes adapts this argument in the fifth meditation in ‘Meditations on First PhilosophyRead MoreA Brief Look at Rene Descartes829 Words   |  3 Pages Rene Descartes was a brilliant man who came up with many inventions and thoughts to put in people’s minds and let them ponder off and question life in itself. In one of the many things Rene Descartes created, he wrote a book called Discourse on the Method and Meditations. 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Renà © Descartes’ epistemological contribution to western philosophy attempted to inaugurate a coherent method of questioning whereby knowledge of the world is attained independently of the authority of the Church or Bible. Strangely enough this separation had no intention on removing god from our lives or minds. Descartes’ project was to prove the existence of God, and to establish that only God canRead MoreDescartes Cosmological And Ontological Arguments Are Well1455 Words   |  6 Pages Descartes Cosmological and Ontological arguments are well organized and are perceived as valid. However, these arguments may be found valid only if we follow the rules of Descartes premises through deductive reasoning. The soundness of Descartes Ontological and Cosmological arguments are questioned in this paper as I argue against Descartes axioms. Descartes bases his proofs of God on specific propositions and his own claims of knowledge. The lack of proof behind his premises is why I cannot except

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Imagine a world without Essay Example For Students

Imagine a world without Essay Last modified: September 1, 2000, 5:00 AM PDTFrom emailprotectedSpecial to CNET is arguably the biggest name in online shopping, the goldstandard against which all dot-coms are judged. Is it really possible,then, that someday we will be forced to live in a virtual world withoutthis mammoth bookseller?Certainly, its too soon to write a eulogy. But on the savage frontier ofInternet commerce, even the biggest and toughestthough they may have beenthe first to stake the choicest claimare not assured survival. I dont know if the company is smart or stupid, jokes Peter S. Fader, whoteaches marketing at Wharton. Fader says the Internet-retailing industry isso young, so full of money-losing behemoths like Amazon, that there is noway to tell which business models will succeed. The 6-year-old seller of books and CDs sits atop millions of computerusers Favorites lists. But many investors, Wall Streeters and academicswho have studied the company cannot ignore some frightening facts: Thecompany has lost well in excess of $1 billion, and its losses have growneven though sales have skyrocketed. Most seriously, it is saddled withenormous debts. Amazon is struggling to attract more customers by offering an ever-widerrange of products, including toys and even cars. But the attempt to be morethan a book and record store, to offer everything to everyone, smacks ofdesperation. Now the company is broad but shallow, Fader says. Costs could soar evenhigher, and the new offerings could create a management nightmare. And,most important, Amazon risks diluting what the brand means, Fader says. For Amazon, its a reversal of fortune. The company went public in May 1997at a share price, adjusted for subsequent splits, of $1.50. By any measurethe stock was an enormous success in the first two years, peaking at $113on Dec. 9. But it has been sinking ever since, hitting a low of just under$28 on July 31. Recently, it has traded around $39. While falling share prices have afflicted many Internet companies thisyear, Amazon clearly has real problems. Despite attracting 23 millionshoppers, it lost nearly $720 million in 1999, compared with losses of $125million in 1998, $31 million in 1997 and $6 million in 1996. Losses soareddespite the enormous gains in sales$1.64 billion in 1999 vs. $610 millionthe year before, for instance. Investors were particularly concerned when the company reported late inJuly that sales growth had nearly come to a standstill. For the secondquarter of 2000, sales were only 1 percent higher than in the firstquarter. Rather than focus on that number, the company emphasized the comparisonwith the same quarter a year earlier, showing an 84 percent jump in sales. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has bristled at suggestions that the company is inserious trouble, arguing it will pay off in the long run to stomach lossesto broaden the customer base and expand product offerings. Trying to reachprofitability too soon would force the company to spend less on expansion,stunting its long-term growth, he argues. In announcing the recentquarters results, Bezos says new automated systems at the companyswarehouses and marketing efforts to get past customers to buy more shouldhelp the company become profitable. But he has repeatedly declined to saywhen he expects the company to move into the black. Reality checkStill, the company clearly recognizes it has problems. Last month Amazonwas forced to give new stock options to employees because the falling shareprice had made earlier options grants worthless. Like many onlinecompanies, Amazons low pay is counterbalanced by what are intended to begenerous options grants. If options look like they wont pay off, vitalemployees and executives may jump ship. One high-profile departure has already caught media attention. Amazonpresident and chief operating officer Joseph Galli quit in July to becomepresident and chief executive of VerticalNet, a Horsham, Pa., business-to-business Web site. Galli walked away from Amazon options that, according toone estimate, could have been worth more than $1 billion if Amazon sharesrose by even a relatively modest 10 percent a year. He said he wanted torun a company and be closer to his family. What is an American EssayIf people were not price-sensitive, if people were loyal, if stickinessactually held on the Internet, that would be a good model, Bradlow notes. The question is whether that is trueCustomer acquisition is verycostly, and many companies spend way too much on customer acquisition andnot enough on customer retention.Despite all the costs, obstacles and unknowns in the new frontier ofInternet retailing, Amazon does have an edge on many competitors. You haveto look on Amazon as the bellwether for all dot-coms, Lohse says. Researchhas shown that customers are impressed with Amazons site, a key tobuilding customer loyalty, he adds. People find Amazon easier to use than Barnes Nobles site, for example.But the data also show that many people who click on Internet retail sitesare just curious, he says. On average, only 2 percent of the people who visit a site make purchases,according to Fader. Given that, Amazons figure of 10 percent isimpressive. But its far from clear that even this is enough to make an e-retailer profitable. Certainly, the manager of any traditional brick-and-mortar business would be in despair if only one in 10 visitors made apurchase. Moreover, many visitors who do make online purchases quickly lose interestwhen the novelty wears off or they are disappointed for one reason oranother, or if they conclude that prices arent low enough to justify thewait for delivery. About 15 percent of first-time purchasers drop out,meaning they make no additional Internet purchase for at least a year,Lohse says. Others make a few purchases, then drop out. Another dark cloud: Lohse sees signs that the growth in Internet purchasesover the past few years is leveling off. The industry may thus beapproaching a saturation point at which the current base of customers isbuying as much as it ever will. Typically, the current Internet customer comes from a household with anannual income of $56,000, nearly double the national average of about$30,000. As computer ownership gets cheaper and machines are acquired byless affluent households, there may be a second wave of potentialcustomers, he says. But that group doesnt have as much to spend. Fortunately for Amazon, some research has shown that customers return tothe site even though they can get books cheaper elsewhere, indicatingAmazon is, in fact, building loyalty. The main reason, Lohse says, isAmazons added features, such as reviews, shopping suggestions and one-click purchasing. Amazon has done a good job keeping shopping pleasant andeasy for customers, and that should encourage customers to try Amazons newproduct offerings. For Amazon to grow, it has the right strategy, he points out. Still, headds, its not a given that many pure Internet retailers will be able tosurvive against competitors, such as Barnes Noble, which use their onlinebusinesses merely to complement their brick-and-mortar stores. These moretraditional competitors can come to the table with a big stakestrongrevenues, loyal customers and lots of know-how. Internet retailing looks like it will be a war of attrition, with victorygoing to those with the best staying power. At best, Amazons ability toendure is in doubt. A company can only gush red ink for so long. To read more articles like this one, visit emailprotectedAll materials copyright 2000 of the Wharton School of the University ofPennsylvania. pic What do you think about this story? Tell us now. Track this storys companies and topics| Inc |Create alert||Ebay Inc |Create alert|| Inc|Create alert|Create your own e-mail alert Related stories. Microsoft, Amazon curl up with digital book dealAugust 28, 2000. An Amazon bull pulls backJuly 27, 2000. Amazon president resigning to head B2B exchangeJuly 25, 2000Get this storys Big Picture Related quotesQuotes delayed 20+ minutespicpicpic

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Christopher Marlowes Contribution to English Drama free essay sample

It was in the fifteenth century that tragedy came to English dramatic field. This was due to the Revival of Learning in Europe commonly referred to as the Renaissance and the translation of great Italian tragedies. Italian Renaissance exercised a vital influence on the development of English Drama. The first English tragedy was Gorboduc (1565) by Thomas Norton and Thomas Sackville. In style and treatment of theme Seneca was very much their model. Although this tragedy showed some innovation, yet most of the Senecan qualities such as long speeches, ghosts, gruesome murders and talks and talks were very much there. The tragedies that followed Seneca had the same qualities and properties. It required the mighty efforts of a genius to free the Elizabethan Drama from the worst features of the Senecan tragedies and it was Christopher Marlowe who has achieved this foundation for the realm of English Dramatic Literature. There are umpteen characteristic of Marlovian tragedies. In discussing Marlowe, we can point out how he formulated the English Drama and especially Tragedy which was improved upon and perfected by a genius like Shakespeare who owes Marlowe for all his greatness and grandeur. Because had there been no Marlowe, there would have been no Shakespeare. It is also due to Marlowe that English Drama for the first time was bestirred with the vigorous poetry and passion. He has rightly been called the Morning Star of English Drama. Marlow’s Great Tragic Heroes: The first great thing done by Marlowe was to break away from the medieval conception of Tragedy. The Medieval Drama was a game of the princes and imperial classes – the kings and Queens and their rise an fall. But it was left to Marlowe to evolve and create the real tragic hero. All of his tragic heroes are of humble parentage, Tamburlaine, Barabas in the Jew of Malta and Faustus, but they are endowed with great tragic and heroic qualities. His tragedy is a tragedy of one man – his rise and fall, his fate and actions and finally his death for his own failings and incapacities. All the other characters fade into insignificance besides the towering personality and the glory and grandeur of the tragic hero. Even various incidents revolve round the hero. His heroes are men fired with indomitable passion and inordinate ambition. His Tamburlaine is in full-flooded pursuit of military and political power, his Faustus sells his soul to the Devil to attain ultimate power through knowledge and gain the deity and His Jew of Malta discards all sense of human values with his blind aspirations. What Marlowe depicts and dramatizes is that all his mighty and towering heroes with all their sky-high designs and aspirations ultimately fall into failure and doom exhibiting their tragic and doomed end. Herein lies the greatness of Marlowe. Working of a passion: We have previously studied that Marlowe’s heroes are dominated by the inordinate desires and passions. These passions take the form of wealth, spirit of learning, high power. Through these, Marlowe imparts vehemence, fire and force in the drama. But in this way, we may trace the distinct influence of Machiavelli on Marlowe. Marlowe must have read his famous book, The Prince and derived this idea of ambition and spirit from him. Marlowe discarded the old concept of tragedy as decent from greatness to misery and supplanted it greatness by the greatness of individual worth. His heroes truly reflect the new Spirit of Learning because he himself was the product of Renaissance. The Inner Conflict: Another great achievement of Marlowe was to introduce the element of conflict in the tragic hero especially in Dr. Faustus and Edward II. The conflict may be on the physical or spiritual plane. The spiritual and moral conflict takes place in the heart of man and this is of much greater significance and much more poignant than the former. And a great tragedy most powerfully reveals the emotional conflict or moral agony of the mighty hero. In the realm of England’s dramatic literature, Dr. Faustus may be reckoned the first spiritual tragedy or the tragedy of the soul. In this epoch-making drama, true and deep moral agonies and painful spiritual conflict has been superbly laid bare before us by Marlowe. Like the old Greek heroes, Marlovian Heroes are not helpless puppets in the hands of Fate and they are never destined by gods. They have free thinking of religion and carve their way themselves. The tragic end they meet is caused by the tragic flaw in their personalities and they achieve this end through their actions. This is the greatest contribution of Marlowe to the English Drama. Moral Conception: It was Marlowe who first discarded the medieval conception of tragedy as it was distinctly a moral one. In old Morality Plays, the purpose was to simply inculcate a moral lesson by showing the fall of the hero. There is no such thing in Marlovian plays. The main interest centers on the sky-touching personality of the heroes with their tremendous efforts to attain the limit and their rise and fall in their struggle. Blank Verse: Another great achievement of Marlowe was to introduce a new type of blank verse in his tragedies. A new spirit of poetry was breathed into the artificial and monotonous verse of the old days. In fact, the whole of Elizabethan Drama was enliven by a new poetic grandeur. Seriousness and Concentration: Another notable characteristic of Marlowe’s work is seriousness and concentration on the theme and there is complete lack of humor. According to many critics, the clownish scenes and the other absurdities were interpolated by the later authors. There are also no women characters in Marlowe’s works, this is also a typical quality of his. The episodes of Helen in Dr. Faustus and other female figures in other plays are only shadows or figure-heads. Most of these features may also be regarded as the drawbacks, however; it was Marlowe’s distinct way of writing which is typical of him. Or perhaps, for these reasons, he couldn’t reach the towering high plane of fame as did Shakespeare. But we must remember that he was a pioneer and path-finder. He was the Columbus of a new literary World in England. It is due to Marlowe that we have Shakespeare whom we know and read, but had Marlowe not written such these works, there would have been Shakespeare, but no the one we know today. Shakespeare, without him, would have been only another writer.