Saturday, December 28, 2019

Ethical Report A Certified Nurse Assistant That Is...

A 1. The leader chosen for this ethical report is a Certified Nurse Assistant that was promoted to a team leader. The team lead of a residential care facility has demonstrated the ability to distinguish when a fellow employee is performing duties according to policies and to reward for positive behavior. One of the team leaders, ethical traits is to lead by example, she sets up the structure in the organization that applies to neatness and tidiness and expects other team mates to do the same. She tries to follow the policies of the organization and promotes the importance of doing the right thing. This team leader has learned the importance of leading by example, due to if she doesn’t follow protocol the negative consequences will be detrimental to patient care. This team leader has developed policies that have been implemented regarding safety of the resident. The second ethical trait that this leader portrayed is the developing values for her and others. This leader believes in taking the company’s values and instilling it in her own daily life. She assures that the other staff members are aware of the company’s values and the mission. The golden rule treat others as you want to be treated is the model of this individual. Unruly behavior is not tolerated by this team leader. Whenever the team leader discovers that values are not being followed in the work environment, she will counsel the individual, by given a verbal warning. If the behavior continues the team leaderShow MoreRelatedGovernment Of Health Systems : Liberia And Sierra Leone8463 Words   |  34 Pagescare, as community members were confused about which vaccines and treatments were routine rather than experimental. , Attempting to halt the epidemic by developing and testing treatments through randomized control trials has caused practical and ethical dilemmas. , Mental health outcomes were poor , and are likely to remain so, with the compound effect of conflict and Ebola. 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