Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Appeal of Television Chat Shows Essay - 2005 Words

The Appeal of Television Chat Shows Chat shows are a very popular and successful modern day television program. Why? It is probably because as humans we are naturally nosey and curious about the lifestyles of others, especially those of the rich and famous. It is this common characteristic that makes the neighbors peep through the curtains to see what the Jones are up to next, the reason that village gossip spreads so quickly and the cause of the growing number of reality television programs. Whether we admit or not, many have a fascination with those in the public eye. We want to know about their secret to success, the skeletons in their closet and if they really are human like the rest of us.†¦show more content†¦Some are run in the more conventional way of just the basic interview for example Parkinson, but others are shown in a more entertaining approach, for example The Kumars at No. 42 and this is due to their target audience. The target audience is who the programme is aimed at and huge factor when c onsidering the target audience is a scheduling time. For example Graham Norton is on weekdays at 10 oclock and this is a great scheduling time for his audience. It is a good time after the 9 oclock watershed as Graham Norton attracts a young adult audience due to his adult humour and the guests he has on his show whereas Parkinson is on Saturday evening at around 10.30. This programme is probably aimed more towards older adults, as his style of interviewing is very traditional. Older adults are more likely to be in at this time and will want to watch something before they go to bed whereas a younger audience will watch more television on weekdays, as they will have work the next day. Parkinson is a very popular chat show and has been running for many years. As Parkinson has been in show business for many years, he is now a celebrity himself and has made his fame through interviewing other famous people. 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