Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Global Prevalence of Dementia Free-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss abouts the Global Prevalence of Dementia. Answer: Dementia is a cognitive developmental disease tat generally takes place to the people getting old. It is considered to be the loss of the memory and other mental abilities that makes the patient difficulty in recognizing, decreases in the ability for thinking. The normal consciousness of the person is usually not being affected. Alzheimers disease can be considered to be one of the types of Dementia. In the residential care, the patients are being provided special care to the patient suffering from Dementia are being given proper care and they are being under proper safety measures within the room of the patients with a constant support of the family along with the peace of mind. The drawbacks against this type of care can relate to the cost, lack of the neighbor contacts. The privacy, the independence of the family of the patient suffering from dementia reduces down as comparative to the others. The equipments for treating the dementia patients residentially lacks to the health care professionals. Communication gaps with the care giver and the members of the family of the patient also come into existence. Health-care professionals fail in maintaining the healthy hygiene like hand clean up or cleaning up the patients on time. These actions of them create trouble some situations for the family of the patients suffering from dementia. In the case of the aboriginals, the treatment of the patient is traditional ones but fails to accept the contemporary treatment and issues with the communication gaps also takes place. Older people are the part of the family who acts like a backbone. But people with special needs are also looking forward for the special support from the family as well from the care givers. Support or the assistants for the special needed people always needs special attention and care from each and every-one of the family along with the special care. They are being considered to be the special people required complex care. The care of these patients is being provided in collaboration with the family and the health care professionals. The elderly patients dealing with acute medical complications needed palliative assistance. In case of the severe traumatic situation, the patients are being provided the proper support that might be required to them. In severe breathing situations, the patients are being provided the ventilation support for their breathing. The patients suffering from disabilities also needed proper external support for the food even that they need for meet up the requirement of his daily diet. Mobility support is another crucial support that a patient required during the palliative care. If the patient is not being provided the mobility care they can develop the bed sores which can lead to death even. Walking support is also considered another important part in the support for the specially needed people. Crutches, sticks, wheel chairs are important part for the support of the patients suffering critically. Health care professionals performs these tasks in very undisciplined manner as they also get frustrated while serving these patients, therefore, they works in half-hearted approaches. Bibliography: Nguyen, J. P., Esnault, J., Suarez, A., Dixneuf, V., Lepeintre, A., Levesque, A., ... Nizard, J. (2016). Value of transcranial direct-current stimulation of the motor cortex for the management of refractory cancer pain in the palliative care setting: A case report.Clinical Neurophysiology,127(8), 2773-2774. Prince, M., Bryce, R., Albanese, E., Wimo, A., Ribeiro, W., Ferri, C. P. (2013). The global prevalence of dementia: a systematic review and metaanalysis.Alzheimer's Dementia,9(1), 63-75. Quadagno, J. (2013).Aging and the life course: An introduction to social gerontology. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. van der Steen, J. T., Radbruch, L., Hertogh, C. M., de Boer, M. E., Hughes, J. C., Larkin, P., ... Koopmans, R. T. (2014). White paper defining optimal palliative care in older people with dementia: a Delphi study and recommendations from the European Association for Palliative Care.Palliative medicine,28(3), 197-209.

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